Thursday, March 24, 2011

Proposed Villa Monterey Units 1-7 Townhouse Historic District

Request: City initiated HP overlay zoning case by HPC to designate Villa Monterey Units 1-7 Townhouses as a historic district containing 757 homes and 13 common tracts on approx. 115 acres in the vicinity of Miller and Chaparral Roads with R-4 and R-5 existing zoning. Proposed rezoning to R-4 HP and R-5 HP
Location: Vicinity of Miller and Chaparral Roads
Case Name: Villa Monterey Units 1-7 HP Overlay Zoning
Case Number: 4-HP-2010 View The Document
Applicant: City of Scottsdale, Don Meserve: 480-312-2523
Case Status: Active
Property Information: 115 +/- Acres